Monday, August 13, 2012

Cross continental loves!

I almost forgot to post another engagement shoot I recently had the honor of shooting.  I was so honored when Matt called me to ask me to take photos of him and his beautiful fiance, Ashley.  Matt is an old friend of my husband's from college and I was thrilled at the opportunity to work with him and Ashley.  These two met in Panama during their Peace Corps tour.   My husband and I loved Ashley the moment we met her.  She is such a sweet girl and she and Matt compliment each other perfectly.  Matt and Ashley were only back from their tour in Panama for a short time so we had to turn this photo shoot around quickly as they were heading north to start their new lives together.  We cannot wait for these two to walk down the aisle next year!  Here are a few shots from their session...they are so sweet and look so happy together!

Matt & Ashley wanted their sweet pup to be a part of their session...I of course love this because I am a HUGE pup fan. 

When in Texas you must wear cowboy boots, learn how to two step and Hook 'em!

Matt adores's so sweet.

This was actually taken in front of our local post office, funny how a simple building can make for such a romantic shot.

Another one of him loving on Ashley.  So tender.

This was an impromptu shot, the sun was setting and we jumped out of our cars to get this sillohuette shot.

The rings.  Ashley's engagement ring which belonged to her grandmother (how romantic is that) and Matt's football ring from UT. 

I've done this pose before but I can't help it, I LOVE it!

Cheeks for days!

Sorry everyone...since I have been on maternity leave from my photography I have been terrible at updating my blog which is not like me.  Although I am on leave I have come out to do a few shoots for some close friends.  Plus, let's be honest, I miss it.  Although shooting in the hot Houston summer is much less desirable when you are 8 months pregnant. 

I wanted to post a few shots from my photo shoot the other day with the adorable Killian family.  Actually, these were really for Caden who is turning 18 months but I couldn't help myself and snuck in a few with mommy and daddy.  The Killian's are an adorable family and their lil dude has cheeks for days!  I love his serious faces...he looks like a lil man.  ADORABLE!

We were trying to get more shots of Caden with this sign but as many of you know an 18 month old does NOT want to sit around for long.

I think this one is so can see his lil teeth.

This is a shot of him while he was playing in the playground.  I just love the lighting in this one and his face is beautiful!

Gorgeous family!

Sweet lil man.

This is one of the first shots we took...he looks so sad but it's adorable.

Here we we have some smiles.  This was of course becuase he was able to run around.

So sweet and tender.

Nothing but Angels...

As I mentioned in an earlier post, even though I am technically on maternity leave I had to do this shoot for one of my best friends.  Kylee and Seth are getting married this fall and I was honored when she asked me to take her engagement photos.  Of course I said yes...afterall she is like the blonde sister I never had.  Kylee and Seth were our neighbors across the street and thanks to my very friendly husband we struck up a friendship with them immediately.  Needless to say we gew close very quickly and this fall we get the honor of being a part of the most special day of their lives---their wedding.

Kylee wanted to do something simple, not too many props or backgrounds so we just drove around our neighborhood and found some beautiful places to take these photos.  Of course it's never hard to have a good photo shoot when you are working with such a good looking couple! 

Cute lil couple!

I don't know why I love this one so much...the lighting was just perfect in this area.

Believe it or not this was taken in front of our local post office.

Another shot from the nook with the perfect lighting.

The site where we took these photos has such awesome architecture.

And another from the same nook.  Great lighting and fabulous subjects.

I LOVE this picture.  This was one of the first shots when Kylee got embarrassed about kissing...I think it is absolutely adorable!

Kylee looks stunning in this one!

Another one at the post office.

This shot was taken at a park half a mile from my house under one of my favorite trees!

Sometimes you take a photo and think, "ehh we will see if this turns out ok."  This is one of those shots I like to call a money shot.  It's not for everyone but I LOVE how the light diffuses the photo!

Soon to be Mr. & Mrs. Angel!!!!