Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Living Doll

Lil' Jossilyn

Have you ever met a child that looks like a doll?  I'm sure many of us have but when I met lil' Josslyn I was blown away.  She is literally a living doll!  Her little face is so sweet and so perfect I couldn't help but capture amazing shots of her.  Mommy warned me that lil' Josslyn has a wild side and about 15 minutes into our session she went wild.  I love when kids get comfortable with you, I can't imagine how awkward it must be to have a stranger following you around with a strange big thing in their face.  So when you get to see their wild side it means SUCCESS!  These are a few shots from our session...I just can't get over how perfect Josslyns little face is!  I love my job!

 What a perfect face...just like a doll.
 Still warming up to the camera and still beautiful!
 I couldn't help but take a lot of close ups with this adorable face. this thing real?
 One of my favorite shots of the day!  I just love the look on her face.
 This was right after she did a bunch of twirls in her dress...just a little dizzy.
 Merry Christmas!
Perfect pose.

The Baby Fomerly Known as "Baby Alex"

Big Boy Alex

This was my second session with the baby formerly known as "Baby Alex."  The first time Alex was in his own world, just sitting on his blanket.  This time was a whole different ball game!  Mistake or not, we took Alex to Discovery Green park.  Right off the bat he was intrigued by everything BUT the camera.  Mommy and daddy did their best to get Alex's attention but in the end I spent most of the session chasing Alex around trying to capture a few shots; and boy did we?!  That's the funny thing about photography; you never know when you will capture a great shot.  Sometimes they come out of nowhere and the best ones always seem to be by accident.  Here are a few shots from that day.  I'm also throwing in one of the shots of the "meltdown."  Mommies you know what these look like.  Mommy and daddy had a great sense of humor and just laughed it off.  And now for Big Boy Alex!
 I am a big fan of hats and am in need of this one.
 I adore this face...still a baby in my eyes.
 Merry Christmas 2011!
 Mini Santa
 These shoes make me fast!
 Just taking a quick stroll.
 Handsome happy boy.
 The infamous "meltdown."

Time to get SQUISHY!

The Killian Family

I'm a bit behind and a little late posting but I suppose that's what the holidays do to a person. And anyhow, it's a lot of fun to relive some of my last sessions of 2011. Behold the adorable Killian family! I know what you're thinking....those cheeks! Yes, they are just as delicious in person as they are through the lens. You can't tell but baby Caden was a bit under the weather during our session but his amazing mommy and daddy were able to make smile enough for a few shots. This lil dude is the sweetest thing and I just LOVE how his mommy dressed him is his plaid shirt...we Texans love us some Western flair. The weather was gorgeous and we did the photo shoot at a park near our house; just goes to show that a little nature and some good light make for some great shots. Here are a few from our session.

 Squishy time!
 Beautiful family!
 I just love how Caden's lil leg is bent in mid-walk action...not to mention his cute lil toosh!
 Those famous cheeks!  Future Longhorn!
 That mouth is so sweet.
Thank you Killian Family!